Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm not sure how this works to get someone to interact with my blog, so I just respond to myself until I get it figured out how to get my blog out there. From my last comment, I was going to determine whether or not people knew it is now appropriate to cough into your elbow or shirt to keep from spreading germs to the next person. This works very well too. But since I got sprayed and have been trying to get over a cold since my last post, I am left with chest congestion and think a good hot toddy recipe will cure the rest. So any body got a good hot toddy recipe they would like to share on my etiquette blog?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Little Gestures with Big Results

The title kind of says it all for me. I want to start by discussing small things that make big differences. Like covering your cough to avoid giving your germs to someone else. A little gesture with big results. Simple etiquettes is for people to share thoughts and ideas to help change behaviors to make our environment cleaner and better to live in. It all starts with us. I can't tell you how to behave, but we can share our thoughts and ideas and make choices. I have been sick all week because someone did not cover their cough when they were sick. So any thoughts on that anyone?